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Length / number of characters: 9
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  • a card game played by one person
  • extinct flightless bird related to the dodo
  • a gem (usually a diamond) in a setting by itself
  • a dull grey North American thrush noted for its beautiful song
  • A person who lives in solitude
  • A single diamond in a setting
  • A game which one person can play alone
  • A large extinct bird (Pezophaps solitaria) which formerly inhabited the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigeuz. It was larger and taller than the wild turkey. Its wings were too small for flight. Called also solitary
  • Any species of American thrushlike birds of the genus Myadestes. They are noted their sweet songs and retiring habits. Called also fly-catching thrush. A West Indian species (Myadestes sibilans) is called the invisible bird
  • Residential area (city, town, village) in Namibia

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